Thursday 24 September 2015

Random Things on My Part

Hey guys.

Truth is,I don't have much to say,and I have no idea why I decided to try this out,but I figured I needed someone to talk to.


They have strong characters,funny scenes,and when to know what's enough.

Jk,the last one is hardly true.

Like come on,10 Seasons already??And 11 is out in a few days and they're on to 12??

That's insane,my Friend,if you don't know.

But I've noticed they get sadder and sadder as each season passes.Like why must they insist on *SPOILER ALERT* making Dean die and coming back as a demon just to wreck Sam 
the people who are watching(aka me)?

So guys,if you haven't watched SPN already and if you want to,take my advice:prepare a box of tissues after season 4.

Or maybe Season 1.

It's just that there are a SCHISTLOAD(PJO Ref.) of things happening in there.

Aka*SPOILER ALERT* in the Season 5 finale:

-Lucifer possesses Sam
-Castiel (sorta) kills Michael
-Luci/Sam kills Castiel 
-Bobby shoots Luci/Sam
-Luci/Sam kills Bobby 
-Luci/Sam punches Dean
-Sam takes over for a bit and drags Michael with him into Purgatory 
-Castiel comes back to life 
-Heals Dean
-Brings Bobby back to life 

...all in the final 5-10 minutes.


My brain seriously couldn't take it.

Okay,I think I made this entry pretty long.

Time to back my bags.

-Jana(the random idjit)

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